Parents AND Professionals? When are we too close to see the problem?
I’m a parent myself, we all are in the team. We have talked a LOT about our children over the years as they have grown up, from the days when my child was biting others in Nursery (humiliating), to successful and unsuccessful potty training (frustrating), to managing their quest for answers (challenging). As a professional […]
As humans, according to the Human Rights Act (1998), we all have the right to be seen and valued as individuals with our thoughts and opinions given due respect. Humans have psychological and wellbeing needs, and a need to belong (Sotola and Kelly, 2020). Assuming that everyone wants to grow and develop as an individual, […]
“The ability for interdisciplinary teams to be effective often depends on the willingness of various disciplines to learn from one another and to focus on the family as being the primary “expert” on their individual child’s behavior” (LeMay et al, 2019 P.4) Multi professional teams are identified as “gold standard” for working practices in health […]
There is no one qualification to become a “specialist” in Autism. I was once wisely told by my supervisor that I have a “special interest” in Autism, ironic given that “special interests” are often a diagnostic criteria. So this made me question; What makes someone a specialist? Is it education or experience? Is there a […]